Morten Hagenau


Morten Hagenau

An engineer of Energy Technology who thrives in an interdisciplinary setting. I see myself as a hardworking team player that revel in projects. When assigned a task, I commit myself to it and do not quit till I am satisfied with the product. I am a fast learner and I have confidence in my capabilities. Furthermore, I am particularly curious by nature and carry a passion for technology and a desire to constantly advance my engineering and programming toolbox. I am not intimidated by challenges outside my comfort zone, alternatively I appreciate the opportunity to expand said comfort zone.


Frederiksberg Forsyning A/S

Data Scientist

I primarily develop and maintain business intelligence platform of the corporation. This consists of dashboards made in Grafana monitoring consumption data of district heating, district cooling, water and sewage. The sensor data is remotely collected several times a minute and saved in a PostgreSQL database with TimescaleDB extsension. This includes automatic alarms and forecasting using machine learning on historical data. Furthermore, there is a separate PowerBi platform containing reporting not related to live sensor data. Upcoming tasks consists of migrating the entire IT infrastructure from an on premise solution to the could using Azure.

Danish Energy Agency


I assisted in optimization and digitalization of internal workflows in a department developing and managing support schemes, with an objective to provide financial enticement to enhance the energy efficiency of residential buildings as well as governmental buildings. This includes a substantial chunk of reporting and evaluation of the performance of the support schemes to the ministry. This was streamlined using a Mongo database, an intraside containing live reporting and internal applications made in Python using the Flask framework. The solution was hosted as Docker container deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.


Publication 1 of 5:

PCM-enhanced building envelope for improved thermal comfort and energy efficiency in danish buildings

In this study, a holistic investigation of integrating phase change materials within the building envelope is presented aiming to improve indoor thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption. A dynamic energy modeling and performance evaluation of building envelope enhanced with phase change materials under Danish conditions are carried out. Four case study pilot buildings are considered, where the corresponding holistic dynamic energy models are developed and calibrated using actual collected data. Using the calibrated energy models, the impact of a PCM-enhanced building envelope in the four cases is simulated and evaluated on both thermal comfort and energy consumption.

Morten Hagenau, Muhyiddine Jradi

Publication 2 of 5:

Energy Flexibility Potential in the Brewery Sector: A Multi-agent Based Simulation of 239 Danish Breweries

The beverage industry is a typical food processing industry, accounts for significant energy consumption, and has flexible demands. However, the deployment of energy flexibility in the beverage industry is complex and challenging. Furthermore, activation of energy flexibility from the whole brewery industry is necessary to ensure grid stability. Therefore, this paper assesses the energy flexibility potential of Denmark's brewery sector based on a multi-agent-based simulation. 239 individual brewery facilities are simulated, and each facility, as an agent, can interact with the energy system market and make decisions based on its underlying parameters and operational restrictions. The results show that the Danish breweries could save 1.56 % of electricity costs annually while maintaining operational security and reducing approximately 1745 tonnes of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, medium-size breweries could obtain higher relative benefits by providing energy flexibility, especially those producing lager and ale. The result also shows that the breweries' relative saving potential is electricity market-dependent.

Daniel Anthony Howard, Zheng Grace Ma, Jacob Alstrup Engvang, Morten Hagenau, Kathrine Lau Jorgensen, Jonas Fausing Olesen, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen

Publication 3 of 5:

Agent-based Assessment of Energy Flexibility Potential in the Danish Brewery Industry

To enable industries' benefit and transition towards industry 4.0, intelligent solutions addressing and uncovering energy flexibility in the production processes are required. Breweries are one of the industries that have high energy flexibility potentials, and breweries can utilize substantial amounts of energy for cooling fermentation tanks as a result of the heat generated by the yeast. This paper investigates the energy flexibility potentials of fermentation tanks by using refrigeration based on a case study of a Danish brewery. To optimize the energy flexibility, the multi-agent simulation is applied for modeling the brewery fermentation process. Multi-agent simulation allows defining behavioral logic for each fermentation tank and each tank behaves independently based on the input parameters and environmental factors. The tanks are gathered in an agent population and used for implementing a temperature control strategy based on agent characteristics. An energy flexibility potential using temperature adjustment is uncovered by the adaption of the temperature adjustment strategy, and an electricity cost saving of the 0.75 % current operation in a 2-year period is found. With a multi-agent system approach, the finding contributes to the decision making of industries regarding the future optimization of energy flexibility in industrial processes.

Daniel Anthony Howard, Zheng Grace Ma, Jacob Alstrup Engvang, Morten Hagenau, Kathrine Lau Jorgensen, Jonas Fausing Olesen, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen

Publication 4 of 5:

Dynamic modeling and performance evaluation of building envelope enhanced with phase change material under Danish conditions

In this study, a holistic investigation of integrating phase change materials within the building envelope is presented aiming to improve indoor thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption. Thus, dynamic energy modeling and performance evaluation of building envelope enhanced with phase change materials under Danish conditions is carried out. A standard Danish office is considered as a case study where a systematic screening of 17 PCMs is performed to select the optimal PCM based on EnergyPlus dynamic energy simulations. A PCM with a melting temperature of 24 ∘C, a crystallization temperature of 21 ∘C, and a latent heat of fusion of 219 kJ/kg was identified. In addition, a parametric analysis is carried out to evaluate the impact of the PCM thickness and location within the building envelope on the energy performance and the indoor thermal comfort. It was shown that using a 40 mm PCM layer placed on the interior side of the building components provide the best scenario. Based on the results of the parametric analysis, the implementation of the optimal PCM to enhance the building envelope of four case study buildings is carried out. This includes a standard one-story single-family house, two-story house, apartment building and an office building. Nevertheless, a sensitivity analysis is performed to assess the effect of various factors on the PCM selection under Danish conditions. It is shown that the building insulation level, room cooling and heating set-points, as well as the ambient weather conditions have a large impact on identifying the best performing PCM for Danish buildings.

Morten Hagenau, Muhyiddine Jradi

Publication 5 of 5:

DanBERA: A tool for Danish buildings energy renovation design and assessment

The paper presents the development and implementation of DanBERA tool for Danish buildings energy renovation design and assessment. Unlike the static tools used in the current building renovation market, DanBERA is based on dynamic energy performance simulations of case study buildings considering various building characteristics and specifications and taking into account the dynamic impact of occupancy and weather conditions. The tool uses a systematic and comprehensive renovation assessment methodology considering technical, economic and environmental impacts. A list of standard energy renovation measures is considered, targeting the building physical envelope upgrade in addition to energy systems performance improvement and installation of renewable energy systems. In addition, DanBERA provides a comprehensive assessment of various renovation measures and packages, yet using limited number of inputs including building type, indoor floor area, construction or last renovated year and location. The possibility of having a building ventilation system is also available. Four major building categories are included in the current version, single-story and two-story residential houses, residential apartments and office buildings. The tool implementation is demonstrated in the paper by considering 3 Danish case studies and reporting the renovation design and assessment results regarding energy consumption and indoor air quality.

Muhyiddine Jradi, Sandra Andersen, Morten Hagenau

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+45 12 34 56 78

Denmark - Copenhagen